Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This privacy statement describes how SuperEffective ( collects and uses the personal information you provide. It also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of your personal information and how you can access and update this information.


  • By navigating and using our site you accept the use of cookies. Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on your device to help us improve your experience and to provide us with information about how our website is being used. We use cookies to track your session, remember your preferences, and to provide you with a better experience.

  • Third-party cookies: We use third-party cookies to collect usage data and to improve our website:

    • Google Analytics: We may use Google Analytics to collect usage data and to improve our website.
    • Google AdSense: We use Google AdSense to display ads on our website. Google AdSense uses cookies to personalize ads based on your interests and to measure the effectiveness of the ads.

Personal Information We Collect About You

When you use our website, we and our partners collect some personal data about you. Depending on your privacy choices, the personal data we collect includes:

  • Device identifiers such as your IP address, iOS Identifier for Advertising (IDFA), Android Advertising ID, or a partner-specific identifier.
  • Information about your devices, such as the type, model, manufacturer, operating system, operating system version, carrier name, browser, and screen size.
  • Information about how you use our website (search keywords, visited pages, etc).
  • Name, email address, and third-party login identifiers, but only when you explicitly choose to share it with our website through a 3rd party login system such as Twitter or Google.
  • Any identifiers you provide for our services to work, such as emails and usernames.

How We Use The Personal Data We Collect About You

We and our partners use the personal data we collect to:

  • Improve our Website: Usage data allows us to quickly identify problems in our website, introduce new features or improve usability.
  • Improve our presence in search engines: We use Google Analytics and Search Console in order to have a better understanding of how users find our website and improve our presence in the search engines.
  • Ads: We compromise that we will never use any of your personal data to personalize our ads (via Google AdSense), except for: country, language, and device/resolution information (which is always tracked by analytic tools).
  • Usernames and public user identifiers: they are necessary to bring you customized content and to reference user-created content.
  • Emails: We will use them only in case it is necessary (e.g password reset emails, account verifications, important website announcements, or special rewards)
  • Third-party OAuth providers: We use only the necessary information coming from our login providers, to provide basic account creation data: Display Name, Email, and Picture URL if available.

Our Partners

  • Vercel: We use Vercel to host our website and to collect some basic usage data (page views, country, etc.)
  • Neon: We use Neon to host the website's data (users, dexes, etc)
  • Google: We may use Google Analytics and Google AdSense to collect usage data and to improve our website.
  • Plausible: We use Plausible to collect anonymous usage data and to improve our website.